Divya Music presents DM Live Core - the online vocal music classes and instrumental music lessons for the convenience of the music students all over the world. Divya Music online live interactive music classes is an effective distance learning program, a fusion of the creative performing art to the modern technology, recreating the magic of one-on-one learning as in ancient Guru - Shishya parampara (Teacher - Disciple system).
DM Live Core - The online smart music classes:
SAVE ON TIME and MONEY, MAKE LIFE MORE CONVENIENT - The online live interactive music classes performed through the modern E-learning technology in fact offers convenience and saves a lot of time and cost on commuting to the nearest music school / music teacher. It provides freedom to schedule the desired time for learning and practicing the Global music lessons through real time, live interactive online music session. The music student can learn Indian classical music styles – Hindustani classical vocal and Carnatic vocal, Indian Light classical vocal, Indian folk / regional music forms, Instrumental music and the Global / Western music styles through DM Live Core online music classes.
DM Live Core online music classes have been devised for the individuals of all ages and basic skill levels in music who do not have the time to take the regular music courses and would like to take music class on their own convenient schedule. The online classes for learning vocal and instrumental music include 01 / 02 / 03 session / week - of 30 - 60 minutes duration each, of real time, live interactive one – on - one online music classes with the music teacher / music Guru are organized for the understanding and the practice of desired music style, required perfection through demonstration / explanation / movements, live music for improvements and question answer sessions on music theory / concepts of practice. The online music classes lessons package also include the optional pre-recorded DVD lessons for viewing lessons and practice of music.
The real-time, live, one-on-one online music courses class lessons conducted on Skype / Google Talk or on other online video call programs, require the students to have access to a personal computer with high definition camera (Laptop / Desktop / Tablet / Smart phone) with high speed broadband internet connectivity, headphone - speakers with microphone and music player.The online music student understands and practice dancing according to the instructions and demonstrations provided by their music Guru online and on the DVD lessons (optional). This live, real time, one – on – one online dance class session with the personal online music teacher (Music guru online), music instructor / music trainer at pre-arranged time is facilitated over online video calls - Skype / Google Talk or other online video calls.
At Divya Music, the DM Live Core team of reputed vocal and instrumental music gurus, well known music instructors, eminent music academicians, specialty education experts, music technology experts, choreographers, audio - video technicians and other related music experts have worked hard to offer you the extra-ordinary music learning experience online through E-learning, the internet based online music classes are devised to work in the same way as a student experiences in the music studio learning class with a music instructor. This real time, live, distance learning program is a high quality Audio - Video show where you can see, hear, and talk with your private music instructor, the music guru or the personal music teacher in real time.
Better consistence and concentration with online classes: The online music students are least likely to miss their live, real time, online music sessions or music classes due to the class timing flexibility and the personal convenience where other important obligations could be adjusted very well with the flexible music learning time schedules. The initial hesitation, shyness and lack of concentration and confidence are easily overcome with the initial session of the online vocal and instrumental music class itself due to the comfortable environment of home based learning which may have otherwise taken weeks to go away in the group music classes. The online classes are the same as the private music classes - at home music learning classes.
Online music classes are usually preferred by individuals for learning the desired vocal music and instrumental music styles but Divya Music can also organize and offer special online music classes for a small group of individuals or for teaching vocal or instrumental music to a small community as community music learning classes.
DM Live Core presents Online Hobby, certificate, diploma, graduation and post graduation level vocal and instrumental music classes in the following categories:
VOCAL MUSIC LESSONS ONLINE FOR THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES - Hobby, Certificate, Diploma, graduation and post graduation level online vocal music courses in:
Hindustani Classical vocal, Bhartiya Shastriya Sangeet Gayaki, Carnatic vocal music, Western classical vocal, Western popular vocal, Light classical vocal, Sugam Sangit, Ghazals, Bhajans, Spiritual Chants, Rabindra Sangeet, Indian Folk lessons - Lok Geet, Gurbani Shabad Kirtan.
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC LESSONS ONLINE FOR THE FOLLOWING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - Hobby, Certificate, Diploma, graduation and post graduation level online instrumental music courses in:Sitar, Tabla, Veena, Guitar, Violin, Sarod, Flute - Bansuri, Keyboard - Synthesizer, Sarangi, Santoor, Piano, Conga / Congo, Drum, Jal tarang, Dholak, Nal tarang, Loh tarang, Clarinet, Pakhawaj, Israj, Dilruba, Tanpura, Mandolin, Vichitra Veena, Mouth Organ, Shahnai, Banjo, Mridangam, Ghatam, Harmonium, Cello.
GLOBAL / WESTERN / POPULAR MUSIC LESSONS ONLINE FOR THE FOLLOWING:Bollywood songs singing - Hindi Film sangit, Indian folk music - Lok geet - sangeet, Indian regional movies songs singing.